EuromContact has published a Factsheet to assist Eye Care Professionals (ECPs) to familiarize themselves with the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) system created by the Medical Devices Regulation (EU) 2017/745 (MDR) and understand its implications for contact lens labeling.
The MDR established an EU identification system to improve the traceability of medical devices, including contact lenses. For standard and made-to-order contact lenses, a specific UDI system has been foreseen based on a Master UDI (MUDI). UDI-carriers will be added to contact lenses labels using both automatic identification and data capture (AIDC) and human readable interpretation (HRI) up to 9 November 2025.
When processes involve scanning the AIDC on contact lens labels, ECPs are invited to check that their systems can properly read the updated information and to consult their software provider to confirm their system’s readiness or identify any required updates.
For more information, please read our factsheet :